Sorry per advance for my english, i'm not english native and be indulgent i'm also a student.
I'm trying to recreate the pipe function in C, but i have a problem when i try to close pipe fd before the dup2()
, the function close()
return me an error Ïnvalid argument
, i have already check if my fd is valid and created by pipe()
But now I don't understand why my FD used as argument is not accepted by close()
in my son process
After this on my parent process my function close()
return me an undefined error
here is what the console returns to me when I run my program
close 1 2st cmd: Undefined error: 0
close 1 1st cmd: Invalid argument
pid_t pid;
t_command *cmd;
int pipe_fd[2];
if (pipe(pipe_fd) == -1)
cmd = list->first;
if ((pid = fork()) == -1)
if (pid == 0)
/* Code fils */
cmd = cmd->next;
if (!close(pipe_fd[1]))
perror_exit("close 1 1st cmd");
if (!dup2(pipe_fd[0], STDIN_FILENO))
perror_exit("dup2 1st cmd");
if (!close(pipe_fd[0]))
perror_exit("close 2 1st cmd");
if (!execve(cmd->path_exec, cmd->tab_cmd, envp))
perror_exit("execve 1st cmd");
/* Code parent */
//waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
if (!close(pipe_fd[0]))
perror_exit("close 1 2st cmd");
if (!dup2(pipe_fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO))
perror_exit("dup2 2st cmd");
if (!close(pipe_fd[1]))
perror_exit("close 2 2st cmd");
if (!execve(cmd->path_exec, cmd->tab_cmd, envp))
perror_exit("execve 2st cmd");
From the close manual
Return Value
close() returns zero on success. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately.
That means you are checking for the wrong error condition. Should be:
if (close(pipe_fd[1]) == -1)
Same for the other close
, dup2
and execve