
data is converting to binary format while loading data into monet db using Apache pig

I am using MonetDb-Pig layer to load the csv data into Monet db. Internally it is using Binarybulkload commands to load the data but after loading data into table, the csv file values are not not matching with Monet db table values(int ,double).Seems to be data converted into binary format.

How can we get back the actual values in monetdb? .

Table Structure that I am using CREATE TABLE "test" ( "s_suppkey" INT, "s_name" CLOB, "s_address" CLOB, "s_nationkey" INT, "s_phone" CLOB, "s_acctbal" DOUBLE, "s_comment" CLOB );

Load command that I am using COPY BINARY INTO "test" FROM ( '$PATH/part-1/col-0.bulkload', '$PATH/part-1/col-1.bulkload', '$PATH/part-1/col-2.bulkload', '$PATH/part-1/col-3.bulkload', '$PATH/part-1/col-4.bulkload', '$PATH/part-1/col-5.bulkload', '$PATH/part-1/col-6.bulkload' );


  • please convert byte buffer from BigEndian to LittleEndian, and check