I wrote a pddl code in a domain file that describes kitchen environment (eggs, coffee, receptacles, surfaces etc.) thus types were defined in hierarchical manner.
(define (domain robochef)
(:requirements :adl :strips :fluents :typing)
locatable surface - object
cookable receptacle - locatable
food liquid - cookable
mug pan plate coffeeMachine - receptacle
egg - food
coffee water - liquid
table - surface
The predicates of this domain may be dependent on some of the types:
(is-at ?y ?x) ;true iff an object ?y is in front of an object ?x
(is-visible ?x ?r - ROBOT) ;true iff the object visible by the robot
(is-held ?x ?r - ROBOT) ;true iff the robot holds ?x
(contains ?y - receptacle ?x) ;true iff ?x is contained in ?y
(on ?y - surface ?x - locatable) ;true iff ?x is on top of ?y
(is-cooked ?x - cookable) ;true iff ?x is cooked
(is-egg-cracked ?e - egg) ;true iff ?x is cracked
(is-coffeMachine-available ?cm - coffeeMachine) ;true iff the coffee machine is free use
Running solver.planning.domains planner on this code resulted in errors of the format "predicate [X] is declared to use unknown or empty type [Y]". More in detail - the output was:
predicate IS-COFFEMACHINE-AVAILABLE is declared to use unknown or empty type COFFEEMACHINE
predicate IS-EGG-CRACKED is declared to use unknown or empty type EGG
predicate IS-COOKED is declared to use unknown or empty type COOKABLE
predicate ON is declared to use unknown or empty type SURFACE
predicate OCCUPIED is declared to use unknown or empty type RECEPTACLE
predicate CONTAINS is declared to use unknown or empty type RECEPTACLE
predicate IS-HELD is declared to use unknown or empty type ROBOT
predicate IS-VISIBLE is declared to use unknown or empty type ROBOT
Failed to parse the problem -- The types found in the problem file must be a subset of the types listed in the domain file
Domain types: set(['plate', 'coffee', 'coffeemachine', 'liquid', 'food', 'receptacle', 'object', 'locatable', 'surface', 'water', 'mug', 'table', 'cookable', 'egg', 'pan'])
Problem types: set(['default_object'])
predicate IS-COFFEMACHINE-AVAILABLE is declared to use unknown or empty type COFFEEMACHINE
predicate IS-EGG-CRACKED is declared to use unknown or empty type EGG
predicate IS-COOKED is declared to use unknown or empty type COOKABLE
predicate ON is declared to use unknown or empty type SURFACE
predicate OCCUPIED is declared to use unknown or empty type RECEPTACLE
predicate CONTAINS is declared to use unknown or empty type RECEPTACLE
predicate IS-HELD is declared to use unknown or empty type ROBOT
predicate IS-VISIBLE is declared to use unknown or empty type ROBOT
How come the types are explicitly written but not recognized?
You are missing the type ROBOT
Instead, you have defined a constant named ROBOT
with no type specification; it is therefore defaulted to object
Try with:
locatable surface ROBOT - object
cookable receptacle - locatable
food liquid - cookable
mug pan plate coffeeMachine - receptacle
egg - food
coffee water - liquid
table - surface
self - ROBOT
And make sure that if ROBOT
is used elsewhere in your domain to refer to the constant (and not the type), you replace it with self