I am using aspnetzero framework. After upgrading .Net core to .Net5, I am facing an issue when running refresh.bat. It's throwing below mentioned error
Executing file '..\EMA.Web.Host\nswag\service.config.nswag' with variables 'Process is terminating due to StackOverflowException. child_process.js:656 throw err;'
Error: Command failed: dotnet "E:....\node_modules\nswag\bin/binaries/NetCore21/dotnet-> nswag.dll"
nswag version updated to 13.12.1.
When I run 'http://localhost:5000/swagger/v1/swagger.json', I am getting updated json.
Not sure why its causing Stack overflow exception, any pointers to resolve this issue?
Type JObject and JToken were causing this stackoverflow exception, removing them fixed the error.