
Multiple SUM aggregates in ABAP CDS

I have a table of work orders with different status and multiple plants like below:

Plant OrderID Status
Plant1 Order1 OPEN
Plant1 Order2 RELEASED
Plant1 Order3 COMPLETED
Plant1 Order4 OPEN
Plant1 Order5 RELEASED
Plant1 Order6 COMPLETED
Plant2 Order7 RELEASED
Plant2 Order8 COMPLETED

And I want to create a CDS to get the totals per plant: "total orders" plus a column for each status aggregate. The expected result is the following:

Plant Total Orders Open Released Completed
Plant1 6 2 2 2
Plant2 2 0 1 1

Since subqueries are not possible, the only solution I could think was a CDS for each aggregate. 1 for plant total and 1 for each plant status. And finally a top CDS with the expected result.

But this seems a lot of CDS for something that should be relatively simple, because in reality I have 7 different status and not only 3. Is there a better alternative to my solution?


  • Use CASE...WHEN...THEN...ELSE-expressions in your field list to convert the Status to multiple columns which contain either the integer 0 or the integer 1 depending on the value of Status:

    define view VIEWNAME as select from DATABASE_TABLE {
        key OrderId,
        CASE Status WHEN 'OPEN' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Open,
        CASE Status WHEN 'RELEASED' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Released,
        CASE Status WHEN 'COMPLETED' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Completed

    Now you can create a second view which queries this first view. Make that view GROUP BY Plant. Then use COUNT( * ) to get the total number of orders per plant and SUM on the Open, Released and Completed fields to get their respective counts:

    define view VIEWNAME2 as select from VIEWNAME {
        key Plant,
        COUNT( * ) as TotalOrders,
        SUM( Open ) AS Open,
        SUM( Released ) AS Released,
        SUM( Completed ) AS Completed
    GROUP BY Plant