Hi Im a beginner in R so dont know much functionality to go about to perform this operation even though in my head i know what to do just dont know how to do it.
So I have data for of ride length I want to sum up for weekdays vs weekends and compare it with annual and casual members. I have used the wday() to convert the dates to '1' to '7'. Now i want to filter out '2' to '6' (weekdays) and sum the ride_lenth and filter out '1' & '7' (weekends) and sum that ride_length and then use the aggregate() to compare them with the casual and annual members usage. That is what i have decided.
member_type ride_length date month day year day_of_week weekday_num
casual 5280 2020-07-01 Jul 01 2020 Wednesday 4
casual 9840 2020-07-01 Jul 01 2020 Wednesday 4
Any other path to this would be welcome too.
unfortunately I can not test the code due to missing input and desired output. But you should be able to make these lines work for you:
# your data.frame/tibble
df %>%
# create variable to indicate weekend or not (check the weekend day names)
dplyr::mutate(day_type = ifelse(day_of_week %in% c("Saturday", "Sunday"), "WEEKEND","WEEK")) %>%
# build gouping by member type and day type
dplyr::group_by(member_type, day_type) %>%
# summarise total ride length
dplyr::summarize(total_ride_length = sum(ride_length, na.rm = TRUE))
Just as an advice: possibly there are some holidays you should consider, as they can be on a working day but show the behaviour of a weekend day (due to most people having free time to rent and ride bikes or viceverse if people predominantly rent to get to and from work)