
Allocation optimization problem using python

I have a list of sectors each with certain capacity. For instance:

Sectors = { 
       "1A": 80,
       "1B": 20, 
       "2A": 10, 
       "3A": 50,
       "3B": 20,
       "3C": 110

I have also a list of teams each with certain amount of members, eg.:

Teams = {

Notice that there are more Teams than Sectors and total number of team members in each team is higher than total number of sector capacity so there will be teams without a sector.

Now I need to match each of the teams to sector, so that:

  1. Sum of team members in teams that have allocated sectors is maximized

For the constraints there are:

  1. Team size cannot surpass allocated sector size (example: TeamC can only fit into sector 3C as a whole unless its split into two which is described in constraint 2)

Now this is harder one:

  1. One Team can be allocated to more than one sector, but the sector need to start with the same number (example: its possible to allocate TeamC to 1A and 1B but not to 1A and 3B)
  2. One sector can only have one team allocated to it.
  3. Teams need to be either fully accommodated or fully left out.

Second constraint makes makes this problem something like multiple knapsack problem if Im thinking right, but Im not sure if a team is a knapsack and the sectors are the items that we pack into the sack. Because the item size needs to be equal or more than the sack capacity in this case.

Because of this constraint I’m quite at loss what kind of algorithm I should be using to solve this problem or if this problem is actually solvable in this form. Does anyone know as simple as possible python algorithm for solving this problem?


Currently I am usint ORTools library to solve this problem: Variable:

x = {}
for i in data['sector_number']:
    for j in data['teams']:
        x[(i, j)] = solver.IntVar(0, 1, 'x_%i_%i' % (i, j))

# y[j] = 1 if team j has allocated sector.
y = {}
for j in data['teams']:
    y[j] = solver.IntVar(0, 1, 'y[%i]' % j)

Here are my constraints:

# Each sector can be allocated to at most one team.
for i in data['sector_number']:
    solver.Add(sum(x[i, j] for j in data['teams']) <= 1)
# The sector seats amount allocated to each team needs to be minimum this team capacity
for j in data['teams']:
    solver.Add(sum(x[(i, j)] * data['sector_capacity'][i] for i in data['sector_number']) >= y[j] * data['team_members'][j])

And finally objective:

# Objective
objective = solver.Objective()

solver.Maximize(solver.Sum([y[j] for j in data['teams']]))

So actually the only missing constraint is the one that takes into account that if multiple sectors are allocated to one team then only sectors with same number at the beginning can be allocated there.

Here is data input for this:

{'sector_capacity': [80, 20, 10, 50, 20, 110],
 'sector_number': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
 'sector_names': ['1A', '1B', '2A', '3A', '3B', '3C']
 'num_sectors': 6,
 'teams': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
 'team_names': ['TeamA',
 'team_members': [20, 15, 100, 20, 85, 35, 25, 7]}


  • Here's another hack at this in pyomo. I peeled the sector apart into sectors and zones (the first digit) to help clarify the constraints.

    # Team Assignment
    import pyomo.environ as pyo
    ### DATA
    sectors = { 
           "1A": 80,
           "1B": 20, 
           "2A": 10, 
           "3A": 50,
           "3B": 20,
           "3C": 110
    teams = {
    sector_zones = { s:s[0] for s in sectors} # a pairing of the sector with the zone (first digit)
    ### SETS
    m = pyo.ConcreteModel("Team Assignment")
    m.S = pyo.Set(initialize=sectors.keys())
    m.T = pyo.Set(initialize=teams.keys())
    m.Z = pyo.Set(initialize=set(sector_zones.values()))
    m.SZ = pyo.Set(within=m.S*m.Z,initialize=[(s,z) for (s,z) in sector_zones.items()])
    ### PARAMS
    m.sector_cap = pyo.Param(m.S, initialize=sectors)
    m.team_size  = pyo.Param(m.T, initialize=teams)
    ### VARS
    # assign X players from team T to sector S in zone Z
    m.X = pyo.Var(m.T, m.SZ, domain=pyo.NonNegativeIntegers)
    # include team T at sector S
    m.team_sector = pyo.Var(m.T, m.S, domain=pyo.Binary)
    # include team T in zone Z
    m.team_zone   = pyo.Var(m.T, m.Z, domain=pyo.Binary)
    ### OBJ
    m.obj = pyo.Objective(expr=sum(m.X[t,s,z] for t in m.T for s,z in m.SZ), sense=pyo.maximize)
    # All-or-nothing in a particular zone
    def all_or_not(m, t):
        return sum(m.X[t,s,z] for s,z in m.SZ) == sum(m.team_zone[t,z] * m.team_size[t] for z in m.Z)
    m.C1 = pyo.Constraint(m.T, rule=all_or_not)
    # Don't bust sector limit
    def sector_lim(m, t, s, z):
        return m.X[t,s,z]  <= m.team_sector[t,s] * m.sector_cap[s]
    m.C2 = pyo.Constraint(m.T, m.SZ, rule=sector_lim)
    # 1 team per sector max
    def one_per_sector(m, s):
        return sum(m.team_sector[t,s] for t in m.T) <= 1
    m.C3 = pyo.Constraint(m.S, rule=one_per_sector)
    # link sector assignment to zone
    def sector_zone(m, t, z):
        return sum(m.team_sector[t,s] for s in m.S if (s,z) in m.SZ) <= \
               m.team_zone[t, z] * len(m.S)
    m.C4 = pyo.Constraint(m.T, m.Z, rule=sector_zone)
    # 1 zone assignment per team
    def one_zone(m, t):
        return sum(m.team_zone[t,z] for z in m.Z) <= 1
    m.C5 = pyo.Constraint(m.T, rule=one_zone)
    ### Solve
    solver = pyo.SolverFactory('cbc')
    res = solver.solve(m)
    assigned = 0
    for idx in m.X.keys():
       val = m.X[idx].value
       if val:
          print(f'assign {val} from {idx[0]} to {idx[1]}')
          assigned += val
    print(f'total assigned: {assigned}')


    assign 20.0 from TeamA to 3B
    assign 80.0 from TeamC to 1A
    assign 20.0 from TeamC to 1B
    assign 85.0 from TeamF to 3C
    assign 35.0 from TeamG to 3A
    assign 7.0 from TeamI to 2A
    total assigned: 247.0