
How to set an element to show on medium screen and below in Tailwind?

I have a div with a class of hidden md:block housing this element from heroicon: <MenuIcon class="ml-1 mr-2 h-5 w-5 text-gray-500"/>.

Currently, the div element only show when the screen size is at md, but I want to show at md and below, how exactly do I do that?


  • Tailwind breakpoints are mobile first, so they go UP. At first everything is visible.

    You just need to hide elem. from some size and up:

    sm -> md -> lg -> xl -> 2xl

    class="lg:hidden" will hide element from lg and above - lg, xl, 2xl

    For more info about the topic look at: Responsive design in Tailwind

    PS: div is block automatically so you don't need to use block, it is block. You just need to hide it from lg and above as I wrote in the example ;)

    But let's say that I want element that is hidden, then from md to xl is block and then hidden again it would be:

    <div class="hidden md:block 2xl:hidden">Hello</div>