I am trying to generate a TLS certificate for all of the ingress resources in my Helm chart. My helm chart contains an application with multiple backends so my Values.yaml is structed like this:
host: testing.app.com
- secretName: my-tls-cert
- testing.app.com
host: testing.app.com
- secretName: idp-cts-cert
- idp-cts
creds: ""
serviceName: ""
Notice there is a mixture of maps and string values. My goal is to use a utility template I wrote to call genSignedCert
and generate one TLS cert that has the hosts listed as a CN or alternate name:
Return a self-signed TLS certificate
{{ include "common.certs.ingress-tls" .hosts }}
{{- define "common.certs.gen-cert" -}}
{{- $hostlist := toStrings . -}}
{{- $cn := (first $hostlist) -}}
{{- $altnames := uniq (rest $hostlist) -}}
{{- $ca := genCA "idp-ca" 365 -}}
{{- $cert := genSignedCert $cn nil $altnames 365 $ca -}}
tls.crt: {{ $cert.Cert | b64enc }}
tls.key: {{ $cert.Key | b64enc }}
{{- end -}}
I have tried iterating over the Values and but I cannot come up with workable code to do this.
Edit1: I am aware of the security implications of using self-signed certificates. The bad values.yaml structure is inherited from the fact that this is an umbrella chart and each backed is also it's own chart. A refactor of the charts structure may be required, but I wanted to exhaust all options first.
Consider generating the TLS certificate outside Helm, and injecting it via values (or storing its components in a Secret directly). This avoids some complicated code here. There is a more serious problem, though: every time you call genCA
and genSignedCert
it creates a new certificate, so every time you upgrade you'll get a different certificate, and for that matter if you call this template once per Ingress object, each will have a different certificate.
It'd help this problem to restructure the values.yaml
slightly. It's hard for code to tell that backend1
is a backend specification, but serviceName
isn't. If you just have a list of backends
this gets easier:
- ingress:
host: testing.app.com
- ingress:
host: testing.app.com
You'll then hit a couple of limitations of Helm templates as a full-featured programming language. Templates only ever return strings, so you can't write a template that returns a list. You can't pass a function as a parameter to a template, so you can't write a general-purpose map
(in limited cases you can pass a template name and include
What you can do is write a recursive function that passes the partial list forward to the next iteration, and then invokes the final generator when it's done. In Python, we might write:
def generateCertificate(backends, tls, hosts):
# If `tls` is non-empty, take the first item from it and add its
# hosts to the `hosts` list; then recurse with the same backend
# list, the remaining `tls` items, and the updated `hosts`:
if len(tls) > 0:
return generateCertificate(backends, tls[1:], hosts + tls[0].hosts)
# If `tls` is empty but `backends` is non-empty, take the first
# backend, and recurse with the remaining `backends`, the `tls` items
# from the selected backend, and the same `hosts`:
else if len(backends) > 0:
return generateCertificate(backends[1:], backends[0].tls, hosts)
# If `tls` and `backends` are both empty, we're done
return buildTheCertificate(hosts)
certificate = generateCertificate(values.backends, [], [])
We can convert this logic into Go templates:
{{/* Emit a TLS certificate given the list of backends. The
parameter is a dictionary with keys `backends`, `tls`, and `hosts`. */}}
{{- define "common.certs.gen-cert" -}}
{{- if .tls -}}
{{- include "common.certs.gen-cert" (dict "backends" .backend "tls" (last .tls) "hosts" (concat .hosts (head .tls).hosts)) -}}
{{- else if .backends -}}
{{- include "common.certs.gen-cert" (dict "backends" (tail .backends) "tls" (head .backends).tls "hosts" .hosts) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- include "common.certs.gen-cert-hosts" .hosts -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* Actually generate a TLS certificate from a list of host names.
Note, the certificate will be regenerated on every call. The
single parameter is a list of names. */}}
{{- define "common.certs.gen-cert-hosts" -}}
{{- $cn := first . -}}
{{- $altnames := rest . | uniq -}}
{{- $ca := genCA "idp-ca" 365 -}}
{{- $cert := genSignedCert $cn nil $altnames 365 $ca -}}
tls.crt: {{ $cert.Cert | b64enc }}
tls.key: {{ $cert.Key | b64enc }}
{{- end -}}
{{- include "common.certs.gen-cert" (dict "backends" .Values.backends) -}}
This is enough intricate code that it's probably worth unit-testing it. Setting this up is left as an exercise; Helm does not have any sort of native support here.