I want to pass the variables that I set using ITestContext to onTestStart
public void login(ITestContext Test){
Test.setAttribute("nodeName","05 test");
Test.setAttribute("nodeDetails","05 This belongs to regresion test");
I used below code but only null values get printed.
public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) {
//get the node name
String node= (String) result.getTestContext().getAttribute("nodeName");
String nodeDetails= (String) result.getTestContext().getAttribute("nodeDetails");
System.out.println("onTestStart node is "+node);
System.out.println("onTestStart nodeDetails is* "+nodeDetails);
However, I did notice that when I put it to onTestSuccess method.
My original requirement is to pass the node name and node details for extent's report node creation in onTestStart method. Kindly help.
test = report.createTest(result.getMethod().getMethodName()).createNode(node).pass(nodeDetails);
onStart: This method is invoked before any test method gets executed. You can use this to set your extra attributes if you need to.
onTestStart: This method is invoked before any tests method is invoked. This can be used to indicate that the particular test method has been started.
public void onStart(ITestContext context) {
context.setAttribute("nodeName","05 test");
context.setAttribute("nodeDetails","05 This belongs to regresion test");
=== Edited
If you want to add some attributes to the ITestContext before (ALL Tests are run), then use @BeforeTest
Use @BeforeTest, this will be run once before all other tests are run.
public void setData(ITestContext context)
context.setAttribute("nodeName","05 test");
If you want to do some logic that is supposed to run before (EACH) test method, then use
public void beforeMethod(ItestContext testContext) {
// Do testContext related processing
If neither of the above, and you want to pass custom data to each @Test case, then DataProvider is what you are looking for.
An example:
@DataProvider(name = "node-05-provider")
public Object[][] dataProvider(){
return new Object[][]{
public void search(String data){
System.out.println(data); // "node-05"