While using BLoC library we store all the variables in a state class. But where to store TextEditingController, which does not change, but the value of it does?
Let's say I have a state class like this (Just as example):
abstract class EditItemState with _$EditItemState {
const factory EditItemState.updated({
TextEditingController titleController,
ShoppingItem shoppingItem,
}) = _ShoppingListLoaded;
And the Cubit class:
class EditItemCubit extends Cubit<EditItemState> {
EditItemCubit() : super(EditItemState.updated());
Future<void> titleUpdated() async {
shoppingItem: state.shoppingItem.copyWith(
title: state.titleController.text,
So the Cubit class logic looks messy. I suggest to keep such controllers directly in the widget or in BLoC/Cubit class. Is it a correct approach?
Here guys asked the same question from the library authors and the answer of Felix Angelov (author of flutter_bloc) is:
I would highly recommend against maintaining TextEditingController as part of the bloc. Blocs should ideally be platform-agnostic and have no dependency on Flutter. If you need to use TextEditingControllers I would recommend creating a StatefulWidget and maintaining them as part of the State class. Then you can interface with the control in response to state changes via BlocListener