I create a matrix in R with 10x10 (10 rows and 10 columns):
matriz <- matrix(1:100, nrow = 10, ncol = 10, byrow=T)
I want to extract square submatrices (3x3) from matrix (matriz), randomly and without overlap.
I see a package in R named "subset.matrix", but I couldn't in randomly matrix.
Any suggestion?
I agree with the comment from user2974951 regarding randomness. However, this code block will do what you asked.
matriz <- matrix(1:100, nrow = 10, ncol = 10, byrow=T)
attempts <- 50
# Initialize a list to hold the results
sub_mats <- vector(mode = "list", length = attempts)
# The top left corner of the matrix can't have an index > 8
rand_x <- sample(1:8, attempts, replace = T)
rand_y <- sample(1:8, attempts, replace = T)
for (i in 1:attempts) {
# Get the three-length vectors
x_range <- rand_x[i] : (rand_x[i] + 2)
y_range <- rand_y[i] : (rand_y[i] + 2)
# Subset the matrix
sub_mat <- matriz[x_range, y_range]
# We'll use NAs to mark submatrices from previous loops
if (any(is.na(sub_mat))) next
# If there's no overlap, add it to the list
sub_mats[[i]] <- sub_mat
# Set this submatrix as NAs
matriz[x_range, y_range] <- rep(NA, 9)
# Remove failed attempts
sub_mats <- sub_mats[!sapply(sub_mats, is.null)]
Instead of a set number of attempts for the loop, you could use a counter. With 50 attempts, I get 4-6 sub-matrices. 1000 gives 6-8.