I'm trying to add the wowhead tooltips to a docusaurus page.
The wowhead documentation suggests you need to add the following to your <head>
<script>const whTooltips = {colorLinks: true, iconizeLinks: true, renameLinks: true};</script>
<script src="https://wow.zamimg.com/widgets/power.js"></script>
I can add the https://wow.zamimg.com/widgets/power.js
fine using the scripts configuration option which works fine with defer or async:
module.exports = {
// Snipped rest of configuration
scripts: [
defer: true,
For the inline portion <script>const whTooltips = {colorLinks: true, iconizeLinks: true, renameLinks: true};</script>
I have tried using a <Head>
component in my index.js <Layout>
section and had no success.
How can I add this inline script properly to docusaurus so it loads before the wowhead script?
Using the advice from D.Kastier, I successfully solved my problem, granted it wasn't very elegant.
To load the script properly, and have it update after the page initially loads:
injectHtmlTags() {
return {
headTags: [
// https://www.wowhead.com/tooltips
tagName: 'script',
innerHTML: `
const whTooltips = {colorLinks: true, iconizeLinks: true, renameLinks: true};
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', event => {
if (event.target.readyState === "complete") {
console.log('Updating tooltips from plugin');
tagName: 'script',
attributes: {
defer: true,
src: 'https://wow.zamimg.com/widgets/power.js',
Then to update the tooltips each time the page changes:
onRouteUpdate({location}) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);