
LEFT JOINS and aggregation in a single Prisma query

I have a database with multiple tables that frequently need to be queried with LEFT JOIN so that results contain aggregated data from other tables. Snippet from my Prisma schema:

model posts {
  id                Int      @id @unique @default(autoincrement())
  user_id           Int
  movie_id          Int      @unique
  title             String   @db.Text
  description       String?  @db.Text
  tags              Json?
  created_at        DateTime @default(now()) @db.DateTime(0)
  image             String?  @default("") @db.VarChar(256)
  year              Int
  submitted_by      String   @db.Text
  tmdb_rating       Decimal? @default(0.0) @db.Decimal(3, 1)
  tmdb_rating_count Int?     @default(0)

model ratings {
  id         Int       @unique @default(autoincrement()) @db.UnsignedInt
  entry_id   Int       @db.UnsignedInt
  user_id    Int       @db.UnsignedInt
  rating     Int       @default(0) @db.UnsignedTinyInt
  created_at DateTime  @default(now()) @db.DateTime(0)
  updated_at DateTime? @db.DateTime(0)

  @@id([entry_id, user_id])

If I wanted to return the average rating when querying posts, I could use a query like:

    p.*, ROUND(AVG(rt.rating), 1) AS user_rating
    posts AS p
        LEFT JOIN
    ratings AS rt ON rt.entry_id =

I'm not exactly sure how/whether I can achieve something similar with Prisma, because as it stands right now, it seems like this would require two separate queries, which isn't optimal because there is sometimes the need for 2 or 3 joins or SELECTs from other tables.

How can I make a query/model/something in Prisma to achieve the above?


  • Yes, this is possible with Prisma!. For making this work, you need to specify on your "schema.prisma" file how are models related with each other. That way, code generation will set the possible queries/operations.

    Change it to this:

    model Post {
      id              Int      @id @unique @default(autoincrement()) @map("id")
      userId          Int      @map("user_id")
      movieId         Int      @unique @map("movie_id")
      title           String   @map("title") @db.Text
      description     String?  @map("description") @db.Text
      tags            Json?    @map("tags")
      createdAt       DateTime @default(now()) @map("created_at") @db.DateTime(0)
      image           String?  @default("") @map("image") @db.VarChar(256)
      year            Int      @map("year")
      submittedBy     String   @map("submitted_by") @db.Text
      tmdbRating      Decimal? @default(0.0) @map("tmdb_rating") @db.Decimal(3, 1)
      tmdbRatingCount Int?     @default(0) @map("tmdb_rating_count")
      ratings         Rating[]
    model Rating {
      id        Int       @unique @default(autoincrement()) @map("id") @db.UnsignedInt
      userId    Int       @map("user_id") @db.UnsignedInt
      rating    Int       @default(0) @map("rating") @db.UnsignedTinyInt
      entryId   Int
      entry     Post      @relation(fields: [entryId], references: [id])
      createdAt DateTime  @default(now()) @map("created_a") @db.DateTime(0)
      updatedAt DateTime? @map("updated_a") @db.DateTime(0)
      @@id([entryId, userId])

    Note: Please follow the naming conventions (singular form, PascalCase). I made those changes for you at the schema above. @@map allows you to set the name you use on your db tables.

    Then, after generating the client, you will get access to the relational operations.

        // All posts with ratings data
        const postsWithRatings = await{
            include: {
                // Here you can keep including data from other models
                ratings: true
            // you can also "select" specific properties
        // Calculate on your API
        const ratedPosts = post => {
            const ratingsCount = post.ratings.length;
            const ratingsTotal = post.ratings.reduce((acc, b) => acc + b.rating, 0)
            return {
                userRating: ratingsTotal / ratingsCount
        // OR...
        // Get avg from db
        const averages = await prisma.rating.groupBy({
            by: ["entryId"],
            _avg: {
                rating: true
            orderBy: {
                entryId: "desc"
        //  Get just posts
        const posts = await{
            orderBy: {
                id: "desc"
        // then match the ratings with posts
        const mappedRatings = (post, idx) => {
            return {
                userRating: averages[idx]._avg.rating

    You could also create a class with a method for making this easier. But I strongly recommend you to implement GraphQL on your API. That way, you can add a virtual field inside your post type. Any time a post is requested alone or in a list, the average will be calculated. In that same way, you would have the flexibility to request data from other models and the "JOINS" will get handled for you automatically.

    Last but not least, if you ever want to do a lot of queries at the same time, you can take advantage of the Prisma transactions.