
Parse expression with JavaScript using PEG.js

I have written the code to parse the following expression

=name1 OR <=name2


    operator: 'or',
    values: [
            op: '=',
            value: 'name1 ',
            op: '<=',
            value: 'name2',

using PEG.js. Please check the code sandbox.

But I am not getting how to parse the follwong expression

=name1 OR =name2 OR =name3 OR =name4

It should return the following structured object

    operator: 'or',
    values: [
            op: '=',
            value: 'name1',
            op: '=',
            value: 'name2',
            op: '=',
            value: 'name3',
            op: '=',
            value: 'name4',

code sandbox:


  • I guess you can describe your language with the following grammar:

    Expression = head:Term tail:(_ "OR" _ Term _)*  {
        return [head].concat( => t[3]))
    Term = _ op:Operator _ name:Name  {
        return {op, name}
    Operator = "=" / "=<"
    Name = head:[a-z] tail:([a-z0-9]*) {
        return head + tail.join('')
    _ = [ \t\n\r]*

    You can try it online on