When I want to ignore some fields using attr library, I can use repr=False
But I cloud't find a similar option in pydantic
Please see example code
import typing
import attr
from pydantic import BaseModel
class AttrTemp:
foo: typing.Any
boo: typing.Any = attr.ib(repr=False)
class Temp(BaseModel):
foo: typing.Any
boo: typing.Any # I don't want to print
class Config:
frozen = True
a = Temp(
b = AttrTemp(foo="test", boo="test")
print(a) # foo='test' boo='test'
print(b) # AttrTemp(foo='test')
However, it does not mean that there are no options at all, I can use the syntax print(a.dict(exclude={"boo"}))
Doesn't pydantic have an option like repr=False
It looks like this feature has been requested and also implemented not long ago.
However, it seems like it hasn't made it into the latest release yet.
I see two options how to enable the feature anyway:
1. Use the workaround provided in the feature request
Define a helper class:
import typing
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
class ReducedRepresentation:
def __repr_args__(self: BaseModel) -> "ReprArgs":
return [
(key, value)
for key, value in self.__dict__.items()
if self.__fields__[key].field_info.extra.get("repr", True)
and use it in your Model
class Temp(ReducedRepresentation, BaseModel):
foo: typing.Any
boo: typing.Any = Field(..., repr=False)
class Config:
frozen = True
a = Temp(
# foo='test'
2. pip install
the latest master
I would suggest doing this in a virtual environment. This is what worked for me:
Uninstall the existing version:
$ pip uninstall pydantic
Install latest master
$ pip install git+https://github.com/samuelcolvin/pydantic.git@master
After that the repr
argument should work out of the box:
import typing
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
class Temp(BaseModel):
foo: typing.Any
boo: typing.Any = Field(..., repr=False)
class Config:
frozen = True
a = Temp(
# foo='test'