
Replacement in 1.9 for Socket's ready? method

For some time I have been using an old Ruby distribution (I think it was 1.8.6) on which I coded with the socket library. The old library had a method called ready?, which checked whether there was still data to be received without blocking. What would be the best replacement for that in 1.9?

The reason why I require it is as I have a program structured like this:

def handle_socket_messages
    while true
        break unless messages_to_send
    while @s and @s.ready?
        #read messages
        readStr = @s.recv(0x1024)

(I then have another loop which keeps executing the handle_socket_messages method and then uses a sleep, so that the loop doesn't spin too fast, along with some other methods.

As you can see, I need to check whether I will receive data using @s.ready? (@s is a socket), otherwise the loops hang at readStr = @s.recv(0x1024), where the socket keeps wanting to receive data which the server doesn't send (It's waiting for data when it shouldn't).

What would be the best replacement for this method?


  • The solution was:

    class Socket
        def ready
            not[self], nil, nil, 0) == nil