I have created a Doxygne documentation for a python project. In-order to add a high level introduction about the project with a high level class architecture, I created a mainpage.dox file which has the following format.
/* \mainpage
# Introduction
Description about the project
# Class Architecture
CLass architecture using plantuml.
# Additional Links
\ref addLinks "Additional Links Name"
\page addLinks
# Link information
The issue with having all of the above content in one mainpage.dox is that, it is too long and feels not readable.
I actually want to separate everything into separate additional dox files and link it from the mainpage.dox file. For example:
Create a separate .dox file for Introduction
Create a separate .dox file for Class Architecture
And add then these linked files will show the content in the mainpage.dox file as below.
/*! \mainpage
# Introduction
\include introduction.dox
# Architecture
\include architecture.dox
introduction.dox file contains: I haven't added any comments in here.
This is an introduction about this project.
Unfortunately adding .dox file as above only add the information in text format. It does not display the content in a Doxygen formatted manner. I have tried \include introduction.dox and \include { introduction.dox} and \includedoc introduction.dox as well.
I am using Doxygen 1.8.17. Any idea what could be the reason?
Thanks a lot!!
When using:
# Introduction
\include{doc} introduction.dox
# Architecture
\include{doc} architecture.dox
This is an architecture description
This is an introduction about this package description
I get as output:
As far as I understood this is the type of output you would like to have.