
How to annotate with multiple columns using mplcursors

Below is code for a scatter plot annotated using mplcursors which uses two columns, labeling the points by a third column.

How can two values from two columns from a single dataframe be selected for annotation text in a single text box?

When instead of only "name" in the annotation text box, I would like both "height" and "name" to show in the annotation text box. Using df[['height', 'name']] does not work.

How can this be achieved otherwise?

df = pd.DataFrame(
    [("Alice", 163, 54),
     ("Bob", 174, 67),
     ("Charlie", 177, 73),
     ("Diane", 168, 57)],
    columns=["name", "height", "weight"])

df.plot.scatter("height", "weight")
mplcursors.cursor(multiple = True).connect("add", lambda sel: sel.annotation.set_text((df["name"])[]))


  • from mplcursors import cursor
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import pandas as pd
    # for interactive plots in Jupyter Lab, use the following magic command, otherwise comment it out
    %matplotlib qt 
    df = pd.DataFrame([('Alice', 163, 54), ('Bob', 174, 67), ('Charlie', 177, 73), ('Diane', 168, 57)], columns=["name", "height", "weight"])
    ax = df.plot(kind='scatter', x="height", y="weight", c='tab:blue')
    cr = cursor(ax, hover=True, multiple=True)
    cr.connect("add", lambda sel: sel.annotation.set_text((df.loc[sel.index, ["name", 'height']].to_string())))

    enter image description here