Terraform version: v1.0.4
I am experimenting with user_data attribute for EC2 instances. Here are the contents of a .txt file that I am trying to use at the moment,
aws_image: true
Following are the scenarios that I have tested
Using 'locals'. Works fine.
Converting file to UTF-8 encoding and then making use of templates, Works fine.
Using a .txt file without UTF-8 encoding, this is the problematic scenario, user-data section for defined EC2 instance turns up empty. I have tested few permutations,
data "template_file" "user_data_test"{
template = filebase64("/Users/home/Desktop/centos_ec2_aws/test-user-data.txt")
resource "aws_instance" "my_aws_Linux_vm" {
user_data_base64 = data.template_file.user_data_test.template
data "template_file" "user_data_test{
template = filebase64("/Users/home/Desktop/centos_ec2_aws/test-user-data.txt")
resource "aws_instance" "my_aws_Linux_vm" {
user_data = data.template_file.user_data_test.template
I am looking for an approach where even if I don't use a .txt or .sh file with UTF-8, my deployment completes without any error. Let me know if this is doable.
Because template files are written in the Terraform language's template syntax, the template itself must always be UTF-8 encoded in order to be valid syntax, but you can in principle write a template that contains expressions which will produce base64 data and then assign that result to user_data_base64
. With that said, I'm having trouble imagining what a use-case would be for that and you didn't share one so I can't give a real example.
If your intended result is still text but using some other character encoding than UTF-8 then an alternative approach would be to have the template and the template result both be UTF-8 but then to convert the resulting string to some other character encoding afterwards.
Here's an example where I've also replaced your use of the deprecated data "template_file"
with the modern templatefile
locals {
user_data = templatefile("${path.module}/test-user-data.txt", {})
resource "aws_instance" "my_aws_Linux_vm" {
# ...
user_data_base64 = textencodebase64(local.user_data, "UTF-16LE")
The above uses textencodebase64
to translate from UTF-8 to UTF-16LE encoding.
Alternatively, if your goal is just to send a file verbatim to EC2 without Terraform doing any template processing on it at all, you can use filebase64
directly in the user_data_base64
user_data_base64 = filebase64("${path.module}/test-user-data.txt")