
Update Salesforce Object from Marketing Cloud Automation Studio Using Script

I would like to update a record in the Sales Cloud object using Script in Automation Studio in Marketing Cloud.

I found the code: I've tried to apply it to my case, but it errors "ERROR: A runtime error occurred while the SSJS Activity executed the SSJS script. Please review the SSJS activity to ensure that errors are handled properly."

<script runat="server">

var sfUpdateString;
var targetDE = DataExtension.Init('xxx').Rows.Retrieve();
  for (var i = 0; i < targetDE.length; i++) 
    var Field1 = targetDE[i].AccountID;
    var Field2 = targetDE[i].Gender;

sfUpdateString = '';
sfUpdateString = '%'+'%[SET @uso = UpdateSingleSalesforceObject("Account","'+Field1+'"';
sfUpdateString += ',"Gender__c","'+Field2+'")]%'+'%';

Data Extension: |AccountID | Gender | | ------------------ | -------------- | | 0015g00000FwcXXXXX | Female |

Account (Salesforce Object):

Id = 0015g00000FwcXXXXX

Name = Mr. A

Gender__c(picklist field) = ' ' (I would like to update this field to be "Female")


  • I change "Platform.Load("core","1.1.1");" to "Platform.Load("core","1");" and it works well now.