
How to Customize Visual Studio Code Tabs?

I'm using Visual Studio Code (v1.59). As of now, the default theme of VSCode doesn't have distinguishable Tab coloring. For example, the Active Tab looks almost similar to the inactive tab. So I need to know how can I change it.


  • Open your user settings.json (Ctrl+,) or Search "workbench.color..." in the setting's search box.

    Add Following lines under "workbench.colorCustomizations"

    "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
        "[Material Theme Ocean High Contrast]": {
        "tab.activeBorder": "#ff0000", //<--- applies to this specific theme: Material Theme Ocean High Contrast
        "tab.activeBorder": "#ff0000", //<--- applies to all theme
        "tab.unfocusedActiveBorder": "#000000"
        "tab.activeBackground": "#045980"//<--- BG: My Most Favourite.