I need to have custom REPL input/output stream. for example I need to pass a piece of script to the REPL when some event happens and get it's output and do something with it.
To describe it more clear to you, I'm working on a vscode plugin (github: source code) which provides REPL. in my case I have a vscode WebView
and from there, I get user input and then I want to pass that input to the node REPL and get its output and show it to user.
So, how would I achieve that? If you need more information please tell me. thanks in advance.
const replServer = repl.start({
input: /* what should be here? */,
output: /* what should be here? */
Edit 2:
can anyone explain me what is the usage of input
parameters in the above example?
Here is a solution that worked for me.
const {
} = require('stream')
const repl = require('repl')
const input = new PassThrough()
const output = new PassThrough()
const _repl = repl.start({
prompt: 'awesomeRepl> ',
_repl.on('exit', function() {
// Do something when REPL exit
console.log('Exited REPL...')
function evaluate(code) {
let evaluatedCode = ''
output.on('data', (chunk) => {
evaluatedCode += chunk.toString()
return result
evaluate('2 + 2') // should return 4
Notice created the REPL instance outside the evaluate
function so we don't create a new instance for every call of evaluate