
Strimzi - Connecting to External OpenShift Route Listener with SCRAM-SHA-512 Authentication with TLS with Sarama

I have a Strimzi cluster setup with the follow yaml.

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta2
kind: Kafka
  name: kafka
    replicas: 3
      - name: plain
        port: 9092
        type: internal
        tls: false
      - name: tls
        port: 9093
        type: internal
        tls: true
          type: tls
      - name: external
        port: 9094
        type: route
          type: scram-sha-512
        tls: true

The pods come up fine and I've created a KafkaUser CR with SCRAM-512 like the following -

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1
kind: KafkaUser
  name: scram-user
    strimzi.io/cluster: kafka
    type: scram-sha-512

I've extracted the SCRAM password from the secret properly as well as gotten the ca.crt file from the cluster-ca-cert secret. I'm trying to follow the Go Sarama Code from this sample here - https://github.com/Shopify/sarama/blob/master/examples/sasl_scram_client/main.go

I've also properly gotten the bootstrap server address from the OpenShift Route but I can't seem to connect.

go run sarama.go scram_client.go -brokers bootstrap-address:443  -username scram-user -passwd esoy2WksWRBp -topic test-topic -algorithm sha512 -tls true -ca /path/ca.crt

I've tried a few variations of the above command with adding -certificate or -key flags and none seem to work. Do I have the listener setup wrong?

edit - Forgot to include and mention it but this is what the error I get from the Go Sarama Code.

[Sarama] 2021/08/18 09:22:36 Failed to send SASL handshake kafka-broker:443: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
[Sarama] 2021/08/18 09:22:36 Closed connection to broker kafka-broker:443
[Sarama] 2021/08/18 09:22:36 client/metadata got error from broker -1 while fetching metadata: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
[Sarama] 2021/08/18 09:22:36 client/metadata no available broker to send metadata request to
[Sarama] 2021/08/18 09:22:36 client/brokers resurrecting 1 dead seed brokers
[Sarama] 2021/08/18 09:22:36 Closing Client
[Producer] 2021/08/18 09:22:36 failed to create producer:  kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?)
exit status 1

So it looks to be an cert issue but I seem to have followed the proper instructions to get the cert. My Kafka broker is just named kafka so the secret is just named kafka-cluster-ca-cert. The ca.crt file is the path I was providing to the Sarama code.

oc get secret kafka-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}' | base64 -d > ca.crt

Describe of the secret if it matters -

ā•°ā”€ oc describe secret kafka-cluster-ca-cert
Name:         kafka-cluster-ca-cert
Namespace:    strimzi
Labels:       app.kubernetes.io/instance=kafka
Annotations:  strimzi.io/ca-cert-generation: 0

Type:  Opaque

ca.crt:       1854 bytes
ca.p12:       1687 bytes
ca.password:  12 bytes


  • So it turns out that the problem was mainly a command line issue. I kept trying to use the -ca flag when I should have just used only the -certificate flag. I also needed to add the -verify option flag as well. So the command that allowed me to produce was using the following -

    go run sarama.go scram_client.go -brokers <your-kafka-boostrap-address>:443  -username <your-scram-username> -passwd <your-scram-password> -topic <your-topic> -algorithm sha512 -tls -certificate <full-path-to-your-cert-file>/ca.crt -verify true

    And likewise the command to consume

    go run sarama.go scram_client.go -brokers <your-kafka-boostrap-address>:443  -username <your-scram-username> -passwd <your-scram-password> -topic <your-topic> -mode consume -logmsg -algorithm sha512 -tls -certificate <full-path-to-your-cert-file>/ca.crt -verify true

    Lesson learned I guess - understand the differences between CA, certificates, and keys.