I am trying to connect the two rectangles with a curved arrow, but no curve is drawn. Could you please help me?
pushViewport(plotViewport(c(2, 2, 2, 2)))
xis <- c(0,0.25)
for (i in 1:2)
grid.roundrect(x=unit(xis[i],"npc"), y=unit(1,"npc"),
width=1.4*stringWidth("very snug"),
height=1.1*unit(2, "line"),
just=c("left", "top"), gp=gpar(col="red"),
name = paste0("rectangulo",i))
grid.text(paste0("very snug",i),x=xis[i]+0.005, y=unit(0.992,"npc"),
just=c("left", "top"),name = paste0("texto",i))
grid.text(paste0("Pedro",i),x=xis[i]+0.005, y=unit(0.95,"npc"),
just=c("left", "top"),name = paste0("pedro",i))
grid.curve(grobX("texto1", 0)+unit(2,"mm"), grobY("texto1", 0),
grobX("rectangulo2", 180), grobY("pedro2", 180),
Looking at '?grobX' it says grobX()
and grobY()
functions need their first argument to be a
A grob, or gList, or gTree, or gPath.
But your code supplies character strings. After you plot your rectangles, run this code to grab and input with a gTree
object, which contains the grobs
of interest.
grab <- grid.grab()
grid.curve(grobX(grab$children$texto1, 0)+unit(2,"mm"), grobY(grab$children$texto1, 0),
grobX(grab$children$rectangulo2, 180), grobY(grab$children$pedro2, 180),