
warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'max' - Visual Studio 2010 C++

I have the following warnings while compiling an openFrameworks 007 project on Visual Studio 2010 SP1:

d:\pedro\development\videoflow\openframeworks\libs\openframeworks\types\ofcolor.h(127): warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'max'
d:\pedro\development\videoflow\openframeworks\libs\openframeworks\types\ofcolor.h(128): warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'max'
d:\pedro\development\videoflow\openframeworks\libs\openframeworks\graphics\ofpixels.h(150): warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'max'
d:\pedro\development\videoflow\openframeworks\libs\openframeworks\graphics\ofpixels.h(151): warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'max'

From what I could tell this warnings are usually followed by errors but in my case everything works ok. The affected code is below:

const float srcMax = ( (sizeof(SrcType) == sizeof(float) ) ? 1.f : numeric_limits<SrcType>::max() );
const float dstMax = ( (sizeof(PixelType) == sizeof(float) ) ? 1.f : numeric_limits<PixelType>::max() );

I tried to set NOMINMAX on the preprocessor but since openFrameworks also defines NOMINMAX on ofConstants.h I get a bunch of warnings that NOMINMAX is already defined.

I have tried to define NOMINMAX on the affected openFrameworks files but it results on the same warning (in fact if I analyze the files included on ofColor.h and ofPixel.h they end up including ofConstants.h so NOMINMAX should be defined).

Any idea on how to solve this? If you don't... what would be best? This warnings or a bunch of warnings that NOMINMAX is already defined?


BTW when I talked about errors I was talking about these: warning C4003 and errors C2589 and C2059 on: x = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();

I get this (the warning plus 2 errors) if I try to reproduce the problem on a clean C++ project. But on my openFrameworks project I just get the warnings. That's why I get confused!!


  • Add #undef max to the top of the relevant files.