I have the following script which prints various file stats, which was kindly supplied by another user (choroba) (link).
Is there a way that this can be amended to report just the directory name of each file and not the full file path with the file name? I have tried changing filepath with dirname and I get a series of errors saying No such file or directory. Thanks for any advice.
set -eu
qfilepath=${filepath//\\/\\\\} # Quote backslashes.
qfilepath=${qfilepath//\"/\\\"} # Quote doublequotes.
file=${qfilepath##*/} # Remove the path.
stats=($(stat -c "%s %W %Y" "$filepath"))
ctime=$(date --date @"${stats[1]}" +'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
mtime=$(date --date @"${stats[2]}" +'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
md5=$(md5sum < "$filepath")
md5=${md5%% *} # Remove the dash.
printf '"%s","%s",%s,%s,%s,%s\n' \
"$file" "$qfilepath" "$size" "$ctime" "$mtime" $md5
You can use a combination of dirname
and basename
, where:
will strip the last component from the full path;
will get the last component from the path.
So to summarize: $(basename $(dirname $qfilepath))
will give you the name of the last directory in the path.
Or, for the full path without the file name - just $(dirname $qfilepath)