
ngrx EntityState.ids.includes() expects parameter with type never

I have an Ionic Angular project with ngrx State management. Here is my State definition:

export interface State {
  loaded: boolean;
  loading: boolean;
  invoices: InvoicesState;
  invoicePositions: InvoicePositionsState;
  selectedInvoice: InvoiceModel;
  availableTasks: AvailableTasksModel;
  nextPageUrl: string;
  invoicesFilter: string;
  comments: InvoiceCommentsState;
  selectedComment: CommentModel;

export interface InvoicesState extends EntityState<InvoicePreviewModel>{}

export const adapterInvoices: EntityAdapter<InvoicePreviewModel> = createEntityAdapter<InvoicePreviewModel>({
  selectId: (invoice: InvoicePreviewModel) =>,
  sortComparer: false,


export const initialState: State = {
  loaded: false,
  loading: false,
  invoices: adapterInvoices.getInitialState({}),
  invoicePositions: adapterInvoicePositions.getInitialState({}),
  selectedInvoice: null,
  availableTasks: null,
  nextPageUrl: null,
  invoicesFilter: null,
  comments: adapterInvoiceComments.getInitialState({}),
  selectedComment: null,

I want to make some changes to state when couple of specific conditions are met. Firstly I need to check if entity with specific id is stored in EntityState.

here is the code inside reducer where error occurs:

  on(InvoicesActions.stateTransitionSuccess, (state, { invoice, invoicePreview }) => {
    let invoices: InvoicesState;

    if (state.invoices.ids.includes( {
      invoices = adapterInvoices.updateOne({
        changes: invoicePreview
      }, state.invoices);
    } else {
      // tbd
      // more conditions and logic


    return {
      loaded: true,
      loading: false,
      selectedInvoice: invoice,

includes() function expects a never type parameter for some reason and I don't understand why. Here is the error that I get:

Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.



  • That happened because the ids type is number[] | string[], so you need to cast it to a numbers array number[] before using it, or you can use some instead of includes directly like the following:

    if (state.invoices.ids.some((id) => id ===