
How to long press (Press and Hold) mouse left key using only Selenium in Python

I am trying to scrape some review data from the Walmart site using Selenium in Python, but it connects this site for human verification. After inspecting this 'Press & Hold' button, somehow when I find the element, it comes out as an [object HTMLIFrameElement], not as a web element. And the element appears randomly inside any of the iframes, among 10 iframes. It can be checked using a loop, but, ultimately we can't take any action in selenium without a web element.

Though this verification also occurs as a popup, I was trying to solve it for this page first. Somehow I located the position of this button using the div as a webelement.

actions = ActionChains(driver)
iframe = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='px-captcha']")
frame_x = iframe.location['x']
frame_y = iframe.location['y']
actions.move_to_element(iframe).move_by_offset(frame_x-550, frame_y+70).build().perform()

if I perform a or right click, it is visible that mouse position is in the middle of the button. enter image description here

Now, if I can perform long press or Press & Hold the left mouse button for a while, I guess this verification can be cleared. For this I tried to take action using click() and click_and_hold and also with the key_down methods (as pressing ctrl and enter does the same as long press) in action, but no response as these methods release the buttons, can't be long pressed. I tried

actions.move_to_element(iframe).move_by_offset(frame_x-550, frame_y+70).actions.key_down(Keys.CONTROL).actions.key_down(Keys.ENTER).pause(20).perform()

.....and so many ways! How can I solve it using Selenium?


  • Here's my make-shift solution. The key is the release after 10 seconds and click again. This is how I was able to trick the captcha into thinking I held it for just the right amount of time (in my experiments, the captcha hold-down time is randomized and 10 seconds ensures enough time to fully-complete the captcha).

    element = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#px-captcha')
    action = ActionChains(driver)