I was able to setup non EC mode easily, Now I am trying to setup minio server on local 3 node, as a distributed erasure code mode before I move to setup in the production. I want to replicate this setup in local network.
Following the guide link :
I am running this command:
zc@rockpix:/minio$ export MINIO_ROOT_USER=minio
zc@rockpix:/minio$ export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minio123#
zc@rockpix:/minio$ minio server http://localhost{1...3}/mnt/ssd{1...3}
but running the above command result in
Invalid command line arguments: lookup localhost1 on server misbehaving
> Please provide correct combination of local/remote paths
For more information, please refer to https://docs.min.io/docs/minio-erasure-code-quickstart-guide
The guide does not mention if I need to setup a domain name. I was thinking if the non EC mode can working without a domain setup then why can't we setup distributed erasure code without having domain name setup ?
The error message looks like there is a DNS issue with that hostname, use a valid resolvable hostname or IP's. As a side note four nodes is the minimum recommended for a production setup.