i have a code :
private static String writeCommandToConsole(Process proc, String command, boolean ignoreError) throws Exception {
byte[] tmpArray = new byte[1024];
proc.getOutputStream().write((command + "\n").getBytes());
int bytesRead;
if (proc.getErrorStream().available() > 0) {
if ((bytesRead = proc.getErrorStream().read(tmpArray)) > 1) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, new String(tmpArray, 0, bytesRead));
if (!ignoreError)
throw new Exception(new String(tmpArray, 0, bytesRead));
if (proc.getInputStream().available() > 0) {
bytesRead = proc.getInputStream().read(tmpArray);
Log.i(LOG_TAG, new String(tmpArray, 0, bytesRead));
return new String(tmpArray);
public static void Changes(Context con, int fNums, String fNames, int is, boolean bools, String strs) {
final String fNum = String.valueOf(fNums);
final String fName = fNames;
final String i = String.valueOf(is);
final String str = strs;
final String bool = bools ? "true" : "false";
final String path = pathExecutable + " " + fNum + " \"" + fName + "\" " + i + " " + bool + " \"" + str + "\"";
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
if (isRoot) {
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"su"});
writeCommandToConsole(proc, path, true);
} else {
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(path);
} catch (Exception ex) {
for root is work well (my phone is rooted) .. but for non root it not work (use parallel space, virtualXposed,etc in non root phone) .. in non root only work in virtual machine which have a root (vmos,x8 sabdbox etc).
i was try use processBuilder but have a same result .. executable lib seem not get into the target ..
how to write a correct runtime.exec to make it work on non root phone (use parallel space or any cloner without virtual machine with root include) ? or is it any way to make it posible to run executable lib without su command ?
solved .. i change non root command into
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"sh"}); writeCommandToConsole(proc, path, true);
and it run well in some virtual app ..