In my project(Next.js v10), the immutable library is used to work with redux. Now I tackled the issue of optimization, because I ran into the problem of "red" first load js.
I am not very strong in this yet, but I try to learn and understand everything. I applied dynamic import on the pages themselves, as it is advised everywhere, and it helped a lot, since the situation was even worse than now. I checked _document.js and _app.js, everything seems to be fine except:
const {serialize, deserialize} = require('json-immutable');
const wRedux = withRedux(makeStore, {
serializeState: state => state ? serialize(state) : state,
deserializeState: state => state ? deserialize(state) : state
export default wRedux;
As it works now, I get:
If I turn off the use of serialize and deserialize completely (in _app.js), and index.tsx (no redux request and no imports other than React) just returns an empty div => I get this:
const wRedux = withRedux(makeStore, {
serializeState: state => state,
deserializeState: state => state
Some chunks are missing, but the immutable chunk remains in place( though for some reason its size is slightly different, but the hash is the same):
I found this article: and check
The problem is that the whole project is already on the syntax immutable-js (post.get ('prop'))
My questions:
Thanks for any help!
I published the results of my work, I hope this will help someone(Sorry for my English :)).
Ditching immutable.js in favor of Immer did make sense (156 => 123):
Also, if anyone is interested, take a closer look at your chunks. As you can see from my question, in addition to Immutable, http-status.js was also "added" to the general First Load JS. This is a standard file with a set of response codes, from which I needed only one (I just wrote the number manually and removed the import), and the file where it was imported is distributed to the entire application. Additionally, I revised the connection of third-party scripts and used the internal optimization of fonts in next v10:
Also, in conjunction with immutable, json-immutable was used, which is no longer required, which removed 2 more small chunks.
And my previously problematic chunk now looks like this:
Finally: "First Load JS shared by all" has been reduced from 156 kB to 111kB (28.85%)
P.S. I have such a big _app.js chunk because I have Automatic Static Optimization disabled due to getInitialProps