I'm trying to work with XML datasets, and I'm having a hard time trying to understand how to perform iterations and join operations with XQuery.
I have these two XML tables:
<employee cod="E01" dept="D01">
<employee cod="E02" dept="D01">
and departments.xml:
<department cod="D01">
<local>3rd floor</local>
<department cod="D02">
<local>4th floor</local>
I want to perform a join operation on this data, resulting in something like this:
I have tried to use a "for" statement with no success. Can someone please help me?
This is a pretty straight forward embedded loop:
xquery version "3.0";
let $employees := <employees>
<employee cod="E01" dept="D01">
<employee cod="E02" dept="D01">
let $departments := <departments>
<department cod="D01">
<local>3rd floor</local>
<department cod="D02">
<local>4th floor</local>
return <result>{
for $dep in $departments/department
for $emp in $employees/employee[@dept eq $dep/@cod]
return <dep-emp>