At springfogx-swagger-ui 3.0.0 my Spring Boot app ends up with the Swagger UI at My users are used to seeing that URL as Is there a way I can set up a redirect or something to let users who "know" be routed to the "correct" URL
I got both swagger and swagger-ui in the "usual" Spring Boot manner
This may be a more Spring Boot question than a Spring Fox question in any event. A redirect seems like the no-muss-no-full solution.
Meh. This works.
* Redirects requests for swagger-ui.html to the /swagger-ui/ endpoint.
public class SwaggerHtmlRedirector {
method = RequestMethod.GET,
path = "/swagger-ui.html")
public RedirectView redirectWithUsingRedirectView() {
return new RedirectView("/swagger-ui/");
Source is
Is there anything better?