I have a serializer with a DateField that is localized according to the user's language settings.
I would like to write a test and verify that the formatting is working correctly but I couldn't figure out how to set the reuqest language when using APIClient.
That's how my test looks like:
self.api_client = APIClient()
# ....
url = reverse("view_name", kwargs={...})
response = self.api_client.get(url, format="json", follow=True)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
# asserts
This way the test successfully works for my default language setting. How can I explicitly set the language code for this request.
It is possible to set the language header directly while initliazing the APIClient.
self.api_client = APIClient(HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE="de")