
Installation gmp library for C language. Installation libtool failure

enter image description hereenter image description hereI need a help with following. I did try install C gmp library with Cygwin. At final of executing make install appears a menssage: warning: remember to run 'libtool --finish /c:/c++/GMP/libraries/lib' Though, at to run libtool --finish... it appears a menssage libtool command not found. In fact, running make check it becomes libtool not installed. Further that, the directory above does not exist. Instead, it was created with the installation one C:/cygwin64/libraries/lib. But with this directory it appears the same menssage libtool command not found. Thanks for any help.


  • Done! I read somewhere that Cygwin or MinGW does not have one option ./configure for free GMP library. Instead use the package manager. However, the package manager version is older. If you want to have the current version, you will need a GNU/Linux distro.