
How do I present a pull-down menu?

I'm looking to add a pull-down menu and I have no idea where to start. Apple's website guides me to UIMenu but I can't figure out how it works.

I know how to make a UIMenu:

NSMutableArray* actions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

[actions addObject:[UIAction actionWithTitle:@"Edit"
                                     handler:^(__kindof UIAction* _Nonnull action) {
    // ...

UIMenu* menu =
[UIMenu menuWithTitle:@""

How do I attach it to a UIButton?


  • So it seems, after several radical rewrites of your question, that you want a menu that appears from a button. Well, a UIButton has a menu property and you assign a UIMenu to it. Done.

    If you also want the menu to appear as a response to a simple tap, rather than a long press, then also set the button's showsMenuAsPrimaryAction property to YES.

    (A UIBarButtonItem has similar properties, in case you want to make the menu appear that way.)