
MPFR Accuracy and precision problem, binding to pyton with ctypes

I am trying to call the "fpow" C function from python with "fpow" wrapper. It works but unfortunately both precision and accuracy is lacking. I guess that my use of mpfr is incorrect. How can I solve this?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <gmp.h>
#include <mpfr.h>
#include "numeric.h"

char *fpow(char *x, char *y, unsigned long long prec)
    mpfr_t a, b;
    mpfr_init2(a, prec);
    mpfr_init2(b, prec);

    mpfr_set_str(a, x, 10, 0);
    mpfr_set_str(b, y, 10, 0);

    mpfr_pow(a, a, b, 1);

    long dot;
    char *str = malloc(sizeof(char) * (prec + 1));
    mpfr_get_str(str, &dot, 10, prec, a, 1);

    for(long j = dot; j < dot; j--)
        str[j + 1] = str[j];

    str[dot] = '.';


    return str;

import ctypes as c

cfunc = c.CDLL('')

def fpow(base: str, exponent: str, precision: int) -> str:
    '''base to the exponent with the specified precision'''

    cfunc.fpow.argtypes = (c.c_char_p, c.c_char_p, c.c_ulonglong)
    cfunc.fpow.restype = c.c_char_p

    return (

import Numer.basics as nm

print(nm.fpow('5.1', '3', 100))

Output of the is "132.509999999999999999999999997382748843093935872477183435247383158639422617852687835693359375000000"


  • Your for loop has a bug. It starts with j equal to dot, so it will execute zero times. And, it is decrementing j.

    Strings in C need an extra 0x00 char at the end to denote "end of string".

    The malloc allocates space for prec + 1 extra char. This is enough for the mpfr_pow output [with 0x00 EOS string terminator].

    But this does not allocate space for the . we are trying to add. So, we need to increase the amount allocated by malloc.

    The [redacted] raw output of mpfr_pow is:

    132650999999999999999999999999738274884309393587247718343524738315 ...

    But, the output of your function is:

    132.50999999999999999999999999738274884309393587247718343524738315 ...

    Notice that you're trashing the [first] 6 with .

    Here's a refactored version of the C code. I added main to be able to test independently of the python code:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <gmp.h>
    #include <mpfr.h>
    //#include "numeric.h"
    char *
    fpow(char *x, char *y, unsigned long long prec)
        mpfr_t a, b;
        mpfr_init2(a, prec);
        mpfr_init2(b, prec);
        mpfr_set_str(a, x, 10, 0);
        mpfr_set_str(b, y, 10, 0);
        mpfr_pow(a, a, b, 1);
        long dot;
    // NOTE/BUG: allocates enough space for 0x00 EOS char but _not_ the added
    // '.' character
    #if 0
        char *str = malloc(sizeof(char) * (prec + 1));
        char *str = malloc(sizeof(char) * (prec + 1 + 1));
        mpfr_get_str(str, &dot, 10, prec, a, 1);
    // original code ...
    #if 0
        for (long j = dot; j < dot; j--)
            str[j + 1] = str[j];
        str[dot] = '.';
    // refactored code ...
        int prev = str[dot];
        int next;
        char *cur;
        for (cur = &str[dot + 1];  *cur != 0;  ++cur) {
            next = *cur;
            *cur = prev;
            prev = next;
        *cur++ = prev;
        *cur = 0;
        str[dot] = '.';
        return str;
        char *ret = fpow("5.1","3",100);
        return 0;


    I have 2 questions. First is there a reason to not fix the for loop bug as such: for (long j = dot; j < prec; j--) str[j + 1] = str[j]; str[dot] = '.'; This seems to get the work done aswell.

    It didn't work for me. Of course, there are different ways to do the insert. Mine [which works] is but one. Feel free to experiment. You could isolate the insertion code into a separate function [and try different functions].

    The second question is that as you can probably try and see "prec" doesn't really work e.g. when i put prec=20 it doesn't give 20 digits accurately. – aras edeş

    That's because for mpfr_init2, the second argument is not the number of decimal digits. It is the number of bits.

    So, roughly, to get a given number of digits of precision, we need approximately 4x the number of bits (e.g. to represent the digit 9 we need 4 bits).

    So, change:

    mpfr_init2(a, prec);
    mpfr_init2(b, prec);


    mpfr_init2(a, prec * 4);
    mpfr_init2(b, prec * 4);

    Note that we could calculate the needed precision exactly but I think that's overkill in the given use case.

    With that change, the redacted output is:

    132.65099999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ...