
how to open multiple files in vim after vimgrep

I'm using gvim. Using vimgrep on current directory to find text across *.sql files. As it searches files, it just shows me file name at a time and in the end opens one file up.

Is it possible to open all files as tabs? Basically I want to open all files because I want to replace the 'vimgrepped' pattern with a some other text.


  • To automate actions on the QuickFix list locations, I have written a command similar to :bufdo or :windo that executes a command for each item.

    command! -nargs=+ Qfixdo call QuickFixDo(<q-args>)
    function! QuickFixDo(cmd)
        let bufnam = {}
        for q in getqflist()
            let bufnam[q.bufnr] = bufname(q.bufnr)
        for n in keys(bufnam)
            exe 'buffer' n
            exe a:cmd

    Using the function one can open all files mentioned in the QuickFix list by the following command.

    :Qfixdo tab sp

    In addition, it is possible to repeat the substitution itself the same way.

    :Qfixdo %s/pattern/string/