so I am using a Text()
composable like so:
text = "this is some sample text that is long and so it is
maxLines = 1,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis
and it ellipsizes the text properly:
The issue is that I want a See More
tag at the end of the ellipsis, prompting the user to expand the visible text box. How would I go about adding that?
To solve this you need to use onTextLayout
to get TextLayoutResult
: it contains all info about the state of drawn text.
Making it work for multiple lines is a tricky task. To do that you need to calculate sizes of both ellipsized text and "... See more" text, then, when you have both values you need to calculate how much text needs to be removed so "... See more" fits perfectly at the end of line:
fun ExpandableText(
text: String,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
minimizedMaxLines: Int = 1,
) {
var cutText by remember(text) { mutableStateOf<String?>(null) }
var expanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val textLayoutResultState = remember { mutableStateOf<TextLayoutResult?>(null) }
val seeMoreSizeState = remember { mutableStateOf<IntSize?>(null) }
val seeMoreOffsetState = remember { mutableStateOf<Offset?>(null) }
// getting raw values for smart cast
val textLayoutResult = textLayoutResultState.value
val seeMoreSize = seeMoreSizeState.value
val seeMoreOffset = seeMoreOffsetState.value
LaunchedEffect(text, expanded, textLayoutResult, seeMoreSize) {
val lastLineIndex = minimizedMaxLines - 1
if (!expanded && textLayoutResult != null && seeMoreSize != null
&& lastLineIndex + 1 == textLayoutResult.lineCount
&& textLayoutResult.isLineEllipsized(lastLineIndex)
) {
var lastCharIndex = textLayoutResult.getLineEnd(lastLineIndex, visibleEnd = true) + 1
var charRect: Rect
do {
lastCharIndex -= 1
charRect = textLayoutResult.getCursorRect(lastCharIndex)
} while (
charRect.left > textLayoutResult.size.width - seeMoreSize.width
seeMoreOffsetState.value = Offset(charRect.left, charRect.bottom - seeMoreSize.height)
cutText = text.substring(startIndex = 0, endIndex = lastCharIndex)
Box(modifier) {
text = cutText ?: text,
maxLines = if (expanded) Int.MAX_VALUE else minimizedMaxLines,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
onTextLayout = { textLayoutResultState.value = it },
if (!expanded) {
val density = LocalDensity.current
"... See more",
onTextLayout = { seeMoreSizeState.value = it.size },
modifier = Modifier
if (seeMoreOffset != null)
x = with(density) { seeMoreOffset.x.toDp() },
y = with(density) { seeMoreOffset.y.toDp() },
.clickable {
expanded = true
cutText = null
.alpha(if (seeMoreOffset != null) 1f else 0f)