I'm migrating a kotlin spring data neo4j application from spring-data-neo4j
version 5.2.0.RELEASE
to version 6.0.11
The original application has several Repository interfaces with custom queries which take some DTO as a parameter, and use the various DTO fields to construct the query. All those types of queries currently fail with
org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type [MyDTO] to type [org.neo4j.driver.Value]
The reference documentation for spring-data-neo4j v6 only provides examples where parameters passed to custom query methods of a @Repository
interface are of the same type as the @Node
class associated with that repository. The documentation does not explicitly state that only parameters of the Node class are allowed.
Is there any way to pass an arbitrary DTO (not being a @Node
class) to a custom query method in a @Repository
interface in spring-data-neo4j v6 like it was possible in v5?
Example node entity
data class MyEntity(
val attr1: String,
val attr2: String,
val attr3: String
Example DTO
data class MyDTO(
val field1: String,
val field2: String
Example Repository interface
interface MyRepository : PagingAndSortingRepository<MyEntity, String> {
// ConverterNotFoundException is thrown when this method is called
@Query("MATCH (e:MyEntity {attr1: {0}.field1}) " +
"CREATE (e)-[l:LINK]->(n:OtherEntity {attr2: {0}.field2))")
fun doSomethingWithDto(dto: MyDTO)
Annotate DTO as if it were a Node entity
Based on the following found in the reference docs
Mapped entities (everything with a @Node) passed as parameter to a function that is annotated with a custom query will be turned into a nested map.
data class MyDTO(
val field1: String,
val field2: String
Replace {0}
with $0
in custom query
Based on the following found in the reference docs
You do this exactly the same way as in a standard Cypher query issued in the Neo4j Browser or the Cypher-Shell, with the $ syntax (from Neo4j 4.0 on upwards, the old {foo} syntax for Cypher parameters has been removed from the database).
[In the given listing] we are referring to the parameter by its name. You can also use $0 etc. instead.
interface MyRepository : PagingAndSortingRepository<MyEntity, String> {
// ConverterNotFoundException is thrown when this method is called
@Query("MATCH (e:MyEntity {attr1: $0.field1}) " +
"CREATE (e)-[l:LINK]->(n:OtherEntity {attr2: $0.field2))")
fun doSomethingWithDto(dto: MyDTO)
: v2.4.10
: v6.0.12
: v4.1.4
Neo4j server version
: v3.5.29
RTFM Custom conversions ...
Found the solution myself. Hopefully someone else may benefit from this as well.
Create a custom converter
import mypackage.model.*
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
import org.neo4j.driver.Value
import org.neo4j.driver.Values
import org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.GenericConverter
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.GenericConverter.ConvertiblePair
import java.util.HashSet
class DtoToNeo4jValueConverter : GenericConverter {
override fun getConvertibleTypes(): Set<ConvertiblePair>? {
val convertiblePairs: MutableSet<ConvertiblePair> = HashSet()
return convertiblePairs
override fun convert(source: Any?, sourceType: TypeDescriptor, targetType: TypeDescriptor?): Any? {
return if ( {
// generic way of converting an object into a map
val dataclassAsMap = jacksonObjectMapper().convertValue(source as MyDTO, object :
TypeReference<Map<String, Any>>() {})
} else null
Register custom converter in config
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.GenericConverter
import java.util.*
class MyNeo4jConfig {
override fun neo4jConversions(): Neo4jConversions? {
val additionalConverters: Set<GenericConverter?> = Collections.singleton(DtoToNeo4jValueConverter())
return Neo4jConversions(additionalConverters)