
Vue JS - Conditional keyup.enter is not working

I'm trying to implement a conditional keyup event, however keyup.enter doesn't get fired when I implement it conditionally using a computed property for @[listenToKeyup].

      <input @[listenToKeyup]="manageSearch"
export default {
    props: {
      skipSearch: {
        type: Boolean,
        required: false,
        default: false
      callback: {
        required: false
  setup(props, {emit}) {
      const input = ref('');

      const listenToKeyup = computed(() => props.skipSearch ? 'keyup.enter' : 'keyup');

      function manageSearch() {
        searchTimeout = setTimeout(props.callback(input.value), debounce);

  return {


In this example, props.skipSearch is registered as true in another component and in fact 'manageSearch' does not get fired, whereas in other components where its false, it is fired. This means that the condition in listenToKeyup is being determined, however keyup.enter is not being fired. If I try to add the event without the condition '@keyup.enter="manageSearch"', it works as it should, so there isn't an issue with that either.

Can someone kindly show me what I'm doing wrong, please?


  • The problem is the event-modifier.

    Dynamic events are possible but modifiers are not supported.

    You would have to change your logic to what @Boussadjra Brahim was almost suggesting just with the difference that the modifier has to be written manually:

    //manage Search
    function manageSearch(event) {
      if (!props.skipSearch|| ["Enter"].includes(event.key)) {
        //do your thing

    Codesandbox example