
Invalid path to html file in appinfo.json

I am trying to debug my webos app in webos ide.When I click on debug button it says Errors found in appinfo.json file while parsing. This is my appinfo.json Link

I think the issue is how I have entered the path to my html file. The path is '/App/index.html'. Please let me know if you know how can I type the path in correct format


  • I guess you must specify the path as a relative path to your html file (App/index.html) not as an absolute path

    You can check other app.json properties at here

    I can't add the whole json to the comment, please check this one (a free sample of a basic HTML app that you can find at webostv.developer.lge.com/)

        "id": "com.lgdev.hello-world",
        "version": "2.0.0",
        "uiRevision": 2,
        "vendor": "LG Developer",
        "type": "web",
        "main": "index.html",
        "title": "Hello World",
        "appDescription": "Hello World",
        "icon": "icon.png",
        "largeIcon": "largeIcon.png",
        "iconColor": "blue",
        "bgColor": "white",
        "splashBackground": "app_bg_1920x1080.png",
        "bgImage": "app_bg2_1920x1080.png"

    If you need to move your index.html for example to 'myappfolder' folder you must modify your appinfo.json to the correct relative path 'myappfolder/index.html'