I have deployed Healthcare Workspace and HFIR Service to Azure. I successfully get capability statement and access token.
I'm failing with Get FHIR resource request to get Patient list by Postman. I can see that this request connects to right App registration by correct secret.
I wonder if API permission of App Registration is correct: I have given "Azure Healthcare APIs", which has url https://fhir.azurehealthcareapis.com
However Postmain is requesting: https://healthcareworkspace-my123demo.fhir.azurehealthcareapis.com
I wonder where is problem?
Get: {{fhirurl}}/Patient
"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
"id": "1111d698deb63c41b7b0a6731a527b15",
"issue": [
"severity": "error",
"code": "forbidden",
"diagnostics": "Authorization failed."
You will also need to assign an application role such as "FHIR Data Contributor" to the client app to access the FHIR service. More info at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/healthcare-apis/fhir/configure-azure-rbac-for-fhir