
visual studio 2019...newline after leading comma

I've this notice an annoying behavior from Visual Studio (possibly the Intellisense) and am wondering if anyone knows how to disable it.

Here's what I am trying to do

TheoryData<string> TestData = new ()
    { 'hello' }
  , { "world" }

Whenever I copy , { "world" } and paste, Visual Studio does this:

{ "world" }

Then I have to go in to remove the newline and the spaces.


  • In short:

    Uncheck "Automatically format on paste" option in Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Formatting > General will work, and further, consider unchecking "Automatically format block on }".


    Focus on this two options(in Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Formatting > General):

    1). Automatically format on paste

    2). Automatically format block on }

    Just uncheck Automatically format on paste option will make your issue("whenever I copy XXXX and paste, XXXXX") resolved.

    But under this circumstance, if you don't copy -> paste, instead, manually type "," and then "{}", the issue will appear again. I mean, you will see that the new brace automatically format in a new line.

    To resolve this, there is another option => Automatically format block on }, uncheck this option will avoid auto complete feature which formats open brace to a new line.

    But you need to consider whether you prefer this, as normally "Automatically format block on }" is useful, and "Automatically format on paste" is also useful.