
Debug OpenFX plugins in VEGAS Pro

I'm creating an OpenFX plugin in C++, and using it on Vegas Pro 17 right now.

The plugin works until I try to call functions from a static library (i.e: zlib or any other libraries). I attached the Visual Studio debugger to the Vegas Pro application and I can see my plugin gets unloaded, but it doesn't tell why.

I have tried using shared libraries instead, but I get the same problem. Any ideas how can I debug this plugin?


  • The problem was a missing dependency,

    I found out where the VEGAS Pro logs are written using Process Monitor the log file I was looking for is %LocalAppData%\VEGAS Pro\17.0\svfx_video_grovel_x64.log the file showed an HRESULT code on my plugin, telling me there was a missing dependency.

    Using dumpbin.exe /DEPENDENTS I could find which dependency was missing and I moved it to the VEGAS Pro directory.