I am trying to implement tryCatch in a for loop.
The loop is built to download data from a remote server. Sometimes the server no more responds (when the query is big).
I have implemented tryCatch in order to make the loop keeping.
I also have added a sys.sleep() pause if an error occurs in order to wait some minutes before sending next query to the remote server (it works).
The problem is that I don't figure out how to ask the loop to redo the query that failed and lead to a tryCatch error (and to sys.sleep()).
for(i in 1:1000){
tmp <- tryCatch({download_data(list$tool[i])},
error = function(e) {Sys.sleep(800)})
Could you give me some hints?
You can do something like this:
for(i in 1:1000){
download_finished <- FALSE
while(!download_finished) {
tmp <- tryCatch({
download_finished <- TRUE
error = function(e) {Sys.sleep(800)})