
How to overwrite A flexform of repository extension in to the Site Package in order to change the configuration

Are there any docs that can help me to overwrite the Flexform of powermail extension into my site package? So that I can edit the field configuration.

Please help, I have been searching for this very long.

Thank you.


  • in ext_localconf.php

    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauth.php']['postUserLookUp'][] = \ABC\MyPackage\Hooks\OverwriteFlexForm::class . '->overwrite';

    In OverwriteFlexForm.php:

    namespace ABC\MyPackage\Hooks;
     * Class OverwriteFlexForm
    class OverwriteFlexForm
         * @var string
        protected $path = 'FILE:EXT:my_package/Configuration/FlexForms/FlexformStudyfinderList.xml';
         * @return void
        public function overwrite()
                = $this->path;

    In FlexformStudyfinderList.xml:

    Flexform Code goes here.

    Finally, I have found the solution myself. Thanks, everyone for your support.