
Connect to websocket to consuming amazon chime API in real time

I want to expand my software, written in JavaFX, with Amazon Chime API to consume its messaging. I know there's JS SDK that allows establish messaging websocket session with no problems. But in java SDK there're no related classes. So I want to use STOMP library to consuming the websocket endpoint.

At the time I am struggling with making correct request, namely with signing AWS request (calculating X-AMZ-Signature)

According to the post I'm trying to calculate correct X-AMZ-Signature request parameter. Here's the class:

public class Aws4Signer {
    private final static String REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json";
    private final static String AUTH_ALGORITHM = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256";
    private final static String REQUEST_METHOD = "GET";

    class AuthenticationData {
        String timestamp;
        String date;
        String authorizationHeader;
    private AppConfig appConfig = new AppConfig();

     * Gets the timestamp in YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z' format, which is the required
     * format for AWS4 signing request headers and credential string
     * @param dateTime
     *            an OffsetDateTime object representing the UTC time of current
     *            signing request
     * @return the formatted timestamp string
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">
     *      Examples of the Complete Version 4 Signing Process (Python)</a>
    public String getTimeStamp(OffsetDateTime dateTime) {
        DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'");
        String formatDateTime = dateTime.format(formatter);
        return formatDateTime;

     * Gets the date string in yyyyMMdd format, which is required to build the
     * credential scope string
     * @return the formatted date string
    public String getDate(OffsetDateTime dateTime) {
        DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd");
        String formatDateTime = dateTime.format(formatter);
        return formatDateTime;

    public byte[] generateAws4SigningKey(String timestamp) {
        String secretKey = appConfig.getAwsAuthConfig().getSecretKey();
        String regionName = appConfig.getAwsAuthConfig().getServiceRegion();
        String serviceName = appConfig.getAwsAuthConfig().getServiceName();

        byte[] signatureKey = null;
        try {
            signatureKey = Aws4SignatureKeyGenerator.generateSignatureKey(secretKey, timestamp, regionName,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("An error has ocurred when generate signature key: " + e, e);

        return signatureKey;

     * Builds an {@link AuthenticationData} object containing the timestamp, date,
     * payload hash and the AWS4 signature
     * <p>
     * The signing logic was translated from the Python implementation, see this
     * link for more details: <a href=
     * "">Examples
     * of the Complete Version 4 Signing Process (Python)</a>
     * @param target
     * @param requestBody
     * @return
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
     * @throws InvalidKeyException
     * @throws SignatureException
     * @throws IllegalStateException
    public AuthenticationData buildAuthorizationData() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,
            UnsupportedEncodingException, InvalidKeyException, SignatureException, IllegalStateException {"predict - start");

        // Starting building the lengthy signing data
        AwsAuthConfig awsAuthConfig = appConfig.getAwsAuthConfig();
        String payloadHash = Hmac.getSha256Hash(requestBody);

        OffsetDateTime now =;
        String timestamp = getTimeStamp(now);
        String date = getDate(now);

        // Step 1 is to define the verb (GET, POST, etc.) -- already done by defining
        // constant REQUEST_METHOD

        // Step 2: Create canonical URI--the part of the URI from domain to query
        // string (use '/' if no path)
        String canonical_uri = "/connect";

        // Step 3: Create the canonical query string. In this example, request
        // parameters are passed in the body of the request and the query string
        // is blank.
        String canonical_querystring = buildCanonicalQueryString();

        // Step 4: Create the canonical headers. Header names must be trimmed
        // and lowercase, and sorted in code point order from low to high.
        // Note that there is a trailing \n.
        String canonical_headers = "content-type:" + REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE + "\n"
                                 + "host:" + awsAuthConfig.getServiceHost() + "\n"
                                 + "x-amz-date:" + timestamp + "\n";
        String signed_headers = "content-type;host;x-amz-date";

        log.debug("canonical_headers : {}", canonical_headers);

        String canonical_request = REQUEST_METHOD + "\n" + canonical_uri + "\n" + canonical_querystring + "\n"
                + canonical_headers + "\n" + signed_headers;

        log.debug("canonical_request : {}", canonical_request);

        String credential_scope = date + "/" + awsAuthConfig.getServiceRegion() + "/" + awsAuthConfig.getServiceName()
                + "/" + "aws4_request";
        String canonical_request_hash = Hmac.getSha256Hash(canonical_request);

        log.debug("canonical_request_hash : {}", canonical_request_hash);

        String string_to_sign = AUTH_ALGORITHM + "\n" + timestamp + "\n" + credential_scope + "\n"
                + canonical_request_hash;

        log.debug("string_to_sign : {}", string_to_sign);
        byte[] sigKey = generateAws4SigningKey(date);

        String signature = Hmac.calculateHMAC(string_to_sign, sigKey, Hmac.HMAC_SHA256);
        String authorization_header = AUTH_ALGORITHM + " " + "Credential=" + awsAuthConfig.getAccessKey() + "/"
                + credential_scope + ", " + "SignedHeaders=" + signed_headers + ", " + "Signature=" + signature;

        log.debug("authorization_header : {}", authorization_header);

        return new AuthenticationData(timestamp, date, authorization_header);

    private String buildCanonicalQueryString() {
        String canonicalRequest = REQUEST_METHOD + "\n" +
                                 "/connect" + "\n" +
                "X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n" +
                "&X-Amz-Credential=MYACCESKEY%2F"+ getDate( + "%2Fus-east-1%2Fchime%2Faws4_request\n" +
                "&X-Amz-Date=" + getTimeStamp( +"\n" +
                "&X-Amz-Expires=10\n" +
                "&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host\n" +
                "&sessionId=" + UUID.randomUUID() +"\n" +
                "&userArn=" + "MYUSERARN";

        return canonicalRequest;


Provided information

It makes the signature, and I'm trying use it via postman, but postman can't connect to the endpoint, just saying 'connect ETIMEDOUT'.

I'm new to Amazon, so it's kinda hard to me. Can you say where am I wrong?

Any help appreciated!


  • Wrote fully working code for signing URL for connecting to chime websocket. Hope this will helps somebody!