I am looping through the code below from a for loop. If certain circumstances are true I would like to "not" create the SKSpriteNode. Is there a specific return, i.e. -1, that I can call that would cause the SKSpriteNode to not be created, without crashing the app?
Or is this something that I need to figure out before creating it?
class GuessSlot : SKSpriteNode{
var nodeIndex : Int
var holdingGem : Bool = false
init(color: SKColor, size: CGSize, width: CGFloat, iFactor: Int, guessBarRef: GuessBar){
let skTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "gem_slot")
self.nodeIndex = iFactor
super.init(texture: skTexture, color: color, size: size)
self.name = "slot"
self.size.width = size.width
self.size.height = size.width
self.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
var indexSpacing = (size.width * CGFloat(iFactor)) +
((size.height * 2) * CGFloat(iFactor)) + (size.width/2)
indexSpacing += 10
self.position = CGPoint(x: indexSpacing, y: guessBarRef.size.height/2)
self.isHidden = false
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
Seems like you might want a failable initializer. This would return nil
(means "nothing," kind of like -1
init?(color: SKColor, size: CGSize, width: CGFloat, iFactor: Int, guessBarRef: GuessBar) {
if /* your condition here */ {
return nil
You'd then use it like this:
if let slot = GuessSlot(color: ..., size: ..., width: ..., iFactor: ..., guessBarRef: ...) {
/// `SKSpriteNode` has been created
} else {
/// won't crash app and `SKSpriteNode` is not created